Monday, November 16, 2009

When I Grow Up I Want To Be...

WELCOME! To my first official Blog! Please sit back enjoy and feel free to comment below!

     When I grow up I want to be……… a ballerina, a doctor, a teacher, a writer? WHAT?? How many of us out there said we wanted to “grow up” to be a writer?

     To be honest I think very few, so how does one go from wanting to be a Playboy Bunny (because I had neither, boobs or legs for it), to being a writer? 

     Somewhere a little seed is planted in our brains, and we dug out a little journal, notebook, napkin, whatever we could and started jotting down notes, or making up stories about the girls we hated in school, because they got the boys we loved in school and pretty soon, a story developed, then another and another and one day someone said, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” and you proudly smiled and said with enthusiasm, “A WRITER!”

     Then, they laughed at you and crushed those dreams and hopes, so you hid those journals, notebooks and napkins where no one could find them. Only one day, after the kids are gone, the house is quiet and life seems to be at a standstill you dig them out and declare “When I grow up I AM going to be a writer!”

     So embarking on your new journey as a writer, you reach out and find there are hundreds of other want to be writers out there. Writer’s who support each other, through rejection and success. Writer’s who stand beside you and cheer you on, even when you feel like a failure or lose hope. Writer’s, who now have become your lifeline on a daily basis, because, well don’t’ we all need someone to tell us we can do it sometime? 

     I love to write, being published would be an awesome goal for me to reach, but more than that I love the “writers world” I enjoy being the cheerleader and coaching my friends to reach out and explore their horizons. I love to relish in their success with them and cry when they are sad. When I “grow up” I may not be a famous writer, but I hope I will always be a respected friend in the writer’s world. 

     So did you always want to be a writer? How about a Playboy Bunny? Doctor or Teacher, if not what would you do if you could be anything you wanted?


  1. It stinks when someone laughs at your dreams. I love that you didn't let your dream die and I know that you will be a huge success! I am so proud of you!


  2. Ahh! Thanks for everything Jenny, I could not have done it without you! You are such an awesome lady!

  3. I think I always wanted to be a writer...though I did think about an archeologist at one point. Or one of those real pain in the ass environmental activist, who chase whale boats and camp out in redwood trees...

    I did think about an Olympic volleyball player at one point...

    But in the back of my head...writing, always.

  4. Maureen, Volleyball? ok? Well then you are from California, beaches, sun and sand!

    Thanks Barb! Great to see you!!
